It’s no secret that having a baby can stretch things out below the waist. We get it and are so excited to offer vaginal lasering in Calgary. Ladies, ever wish you could hit that trampoline park with your kiddos without needing to bring a spare pair of pants? Or wish you could get through an episode of Saturday Night Live without a quick dash to the bathroom. Or even that stop the need to cross your legs before a cough or sneeze? We love our kids, but boy they can do a number on our body. When Kegals aren’t quite enough and the idea of a surgical bed sounds scary, we have this amazing treatment at Papillon to help. We offer an amazing treatment called IntimaLase ™, a non-surgical laser treatment for stress urinary incontinence, vaginal relaxation syndrome and vaginal atrophy.

The laser has a photo thermal heating effect on collagen in both the vaginal walls and the urethra, which causes the restructuring and regrowth of the collagen. This results in thickening and tightening of the vaginal walls and urethra to improve atrophy and prevent urine loss, restore tone to tissue, increase blood flow and even (woo hoo) enhance sexual pleasure.

This simple, non-surgical, 15-minute in-office procedure is highly effective, pain free and safe. A special attachment, similar to a speculum as used during a pap test is inserted into the vagina, during which the entire vaginal region is treated with short laser pulses through a small hand piece. Usually you will feel just a bit of pressure and we recommend you get lasered at lease three times spaced 4-6 weeks apart and have a “touch up” session after a year.

Have confidence that our doctors and nurses will take amazing care of you and the effectiveness of this procedure speaks for itself.

94% of women reported that urinary incontinence improved significantly after 120 days and 68% were completely free of UI.

95% of women indicated they experienced a more than moderate level of vaginal tightening.

We are holding an informative (and FUN) women’s health session at both of our Papillon clinics in the upcoming weeks. We will speak about and feature this amazing procedure and hormone restoration health. Learn if this procedure is right for you and how hormones are directly related to wellness, performance and your very own vitality. You will be greeted with appetizers from the amazing chef Michael Christen, valuable attendee only discounts, gift bags and door prizes. We cant wait to see you!

To sign up please call the appropriate clinic or email

Okotoks Womens Health Session
May 29, 2018

Calgary Womens Health Session
June 11, 2018